因为 第三次 和 第四次 的口语成绩都不理想,自己被迫报考了第五次领思考试,自己在 2020 年 8 月 15 日下午 6:00 参加了第五次领思考试。
在这次考试中,又遇到了几次网络断线,自己基本也清楚这个套路,最后在超过考试时间 (3 小时) 30+ 分钟的时候交卷。
Part 1
- What work would like to do in the future?
- It's to be an Autonomous Driving Engineer in the future. Autonomous
Driving is transforming the transport, which can lessen the traffic
problems caused by human drivers, a very meaningful career. Besides, I
can put what I have learned at school into practice.
- It's to be an Autonomous Driving Engineer in the future. Autonomous
Driving is transforming the transport, which can lessen the traffic
problems caused by human drivers, a very meaningful career. Besides, I
can put what I have learned at school into practice.
- What's you favorite weather?
- I like sunny ['sʌnɪ adj. 阳光充足的;快活的] weather in the daytime, since I can spend time outdoors without suffering ['sʌfə vi. 遭受,忍受;受痛苦] from the cold & rain. Yeah, I enjoy practicing sports and ==being out in the nature== because it makes me feel alive [ə'laɪv adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的].
- What you did last week?
- I finished /ˈfɪnɪʃt/ a slide presentation in my work, and I read a book called <Poor dad, Rich dad> in the weekend, and it inspired me on many levels.
- How often do you use you mobile phone?
- On a daily basis, almost every moment. I like using my mobile phone to contact /ˈkɒntækt/my friends online and keep up to date with them, and reading the latest news from the internet. I can have a good relationship with my friends and know what happens in the world via /ˈvaɪə/prep. 经由,通过 a mobile phone.
Part 2
- presentation /ˌpreznˈteɪʃn/
- library /ˈlaɪbrəri/
- Dr.
Part 3
- A technology you want to own (电子产品)
- 如何从 hotel 到达 theme park
- 自己只会说 turn left,和一些方位词,却没有额外的信息。
- 锻炼身体类话题
- do regular exercice 为什么重要
- sleep for 8 hours 重要吗
- what's the difficult for sb in exercise
- how to keep fit
- 锻炼身体和饮食
- 朋友在你的城市找到工作
- 在一个海边度假的酒店,为什么选择它,喜欢和不喜欢什么,会推荐这个酒店的地方吗(location of the hotel)